- Title8 Reg. Red Angus Bulls A.I Sired Jumpstart, Franchise - Idaho
- Listing #32148182
- Class / CategoryBulls
- LocationEagle, ID 83616
- BreedRed Angus
- Rancher’s NameWilliam Hebert
- Phone 208-444-5080
- Number of Heads8
- Price$4,500
Hebert Cattle Co. | Benchmark Red Angus Genetics One Year Old Registered Red Angus Bulls. Bulls Sired By Bieber JumpstartJ137, Nine Mile Franchise 6305, Hebert Renewable Energy KO1A, Hebert Ferdinand KO8H. Very Nice Bulls Some of these Bulls were selected from our own A.I program. Information, EPDS, and photos are available for each Bull at www.hebertcattleco.com All our Bulls are Registered Red Angus, DNA tested, and parent verified. Our focus is on moderate frame, calving ease traits, maternal traits, and growth performance. All our Bulls have a great disposition, respect a single hot wire. We develop our Bulls naturally on pasture, they are rotational grazed keeping them easy to work with, clean, and on nutrient rich grass. We use no growth hormone or feed supplements. All our Bulls come from great bloodlines, with proven genetics, they are deep in the body, have a visible muscular build on a moderate frame. Fertility Tested before sale, all paperwork included $4500 www.hebertcattleco.com 208-444-5080