- TitleBC227A5 Big fancy Bred Cows!
- Listing #32148201
- Class / CategoryCows & Cow/Calf Pairs
- LocationHulett,, WY 82721
- BreedAngus
- Rancher’s NameWilliamson Land and Cattle .
- Phone 307-680-4595
- Number of Heads133
- Price$3,075
1350#, Big march calvers, FANCY! Total Hd: 133 Cattle Breed: Black Angus; Black Baldy Cattle Age: solids and brokens Calving Date: 3/25/2025-5/24/2025 Bull Info: bred black Cow Weight: 1350 Cattle Age: solids and brokensk Baldy Disposition: Gentle Program: Poured at preg checking Located near Hulett, WY For more info, go to https://williamsonlandandcattle.com/lots/bc227a5/ or call 307-680-4595