- TitleCp317A5 hardworking, low-input cows ready to calve and ship by May
- Listing #32148226
- Class / CategoryCows & Cow/Calf Pairs
- LocationJackpot, NV 00000
- BreedAngus
- Rancher’s NameWilliamson Land and Cattle .
- Phone 307-680-4595
- Number of Heads70
- Price$3,575
Get you some hardworking, low-input cows ready to calve and ship by May. Secure yours with 20% down! Total Hd: 70 Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy Cattle Age: Solids, Short solids, Broken Calving Date: 4/1/2025-6/30/2025 Bull Info: shaw/ black composite Cow Weight: 1300 Disposition: Average Program: Ivermax, Vision 8, vl5 in November Located near Jackpot, Nevada For more info go to https://williamsonlandandcattle.com/lots/cp317a5/ or call 307-680-4595