HP228A5 23 Heifer pairs!

Cows & Cow/Calf Pairs
Hay Springs, NE


  • TitleHP228A5 23 Heifer pairs!
  • Listing #32148202
  • Class / CategoryCows & Cow/Calf Pairs
  • LocationHay Springs, NE 69347
  • BreedAngus
  • Rancher’s NameWilliamson Land and Cattle .
  • Phone 307-680-4595
  • Number of Heads23
  • Price$4,600


Check this load out - They look good; no calving worries here; they have done some of that and will be done around March 15! These heifers calving for 30 days are raising some nice calves! The calves will be tagged to match their mother, they will all get Alfa 7 and multimin, and bulls will be knife cut! The mommas all have the Preguard and 2 rounds of guardian! These girls are not home-raised, but they are 1 iron. The Bulls are Krebs Angus! Make these 1,100-lb heifers yours with 20% down now and the remaining before shipping! 1 iron- Heifer pairs Total Hd: 23 Cattle Breed: Black Angus Cattle Age: 2 Calving Date: 2/15/2025-3/15/2025 Bull Info: Crabs Cow Weight: 1100 Home Raised: No Disposition: Very Gentle Program: Cows have Preguard and 2 rounds of guardian Located near Hay Springs, NE For more info, go to https://williamsonlandandcattle.com/lots/hp228a5/ or call 307-680-4595

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