CP109A5 7-yr-old fall pairs-Exposed to Hereford bulls!

Cows & Cow/Calf Pairs
Plainsville,KS, KS


  • TitleCP109A5 7-yr-old fall pairs-Exposed to Hereford bulls!
  • Listing #32148211
  • Class / CategoryCows & Cow/Calf Pairs
  • LocationPlainsville,KS, KS 67663
  • BreedAngus
  • Rancher’s NameWilliamson Land and Cattle .
  • Phone 307-680-4595
  • Number of Heads41
  • Price$4,500


~ 41 head ~ Near Plainsville KS A real potential 3 in 1 package right here with some big 350# calves at side, Calves are Sept. born and have had Bovishield, UltraChoice 8, de-wormed and bull calves are knife cut, the cows are all 7 yr olds and have been exposed back to Hereford bulls since Nov. 22nd. The cows have had Virashield 6 VL5 , Safeguard wormer and been poured, they are tagged to year born, weigh in around 1350-1400# and are gentle to be around. Cows have some years left in them and are in good flesh. For more info go to https://williamsonlandandcattle.com/lots/cp109a5/ or call 307-680-4595 Williamson Land & Cattle Your trusted partner in buying and selling cattle.

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